Solutions for
network operators


Fjord crossings

Damping concept for Ameralik Fjord:
5,373 m span length, 458 kN RTS

RIBE® – Conductor Slide Rule

Go to the Conductor Slide Rule App

RIBE® – Your contact for solutions to challenging problems

As a full-service provider RIBE® offers network operators overhead line “hardware” and “software” for all of your application engineering needs. Our seasoned engineers have extensive background experience that covers all of the many complex aspects of overhead line technology, not to mention our well-equipped laboratory facilities.

Are you interested in mechanical and electrical dimensioning services for your network or grid? We offer you the calculation methods and simulation models you need to complete these projects. Proven methods here include vibration and load transfer calculations for overhead line systems.

Do you need laboratory tests? Our laboratory facilities offer you material analyses along with mechanical, electrical and thermal/climatic systems testing. The spectrum of services ranges from basic tests to high temperature superconductors all the way to type testing.

We can also prepare expert reports evaluating the state of overhead lines and damage claims.