RIBE Technical Springs
Quality and technology leader
Outstanding quality in every step
RIBE has the highest standards of quality in its product development, production and delivery processes. How we work is defined by our customer centricity and our aspiration to always satisfy our customers’ expectations in full. Integrated quality assurance in all our processes and our clear focus on prioritizing defect prevention over defect detection underscores our commitment to product excellence. And it pays off because our excellent quality standards have already won numerous customer awards.

RIBE Technical Springs
Wire spring production
We manufacture our compression, torsion and tension springs using state-of-the-art machinery. This allows us to meet quality requirements with camera monitoring and sorting systems, as well as process interlinking.

RIBE Technical Springs
Production of punched parts and sleeves
Punched parts and sleeves are manufactured on modern stamping and bending machines with tools that we design and manufacture ourselves. High-resolution camera technology is used for the live monitoring of specific dimensions.

RIBE Technical Springs
Component cleaning
Our cleaning systems satisfy the increasingly stringent cleanliness requirements in a range of industries. We have the capability to meet the highest standards of cleanliness and can also package cleaned components in an ISO class 8 clean room.